5.10.2004 23:13:44 Cockney
"Domnívám se, že prokázána nebyla." -(????):
1)On the Fate of Orally Ingested Foreign DNA in Mice: chromosomal association and placental transmission to the fetus.
Schubbert, R., Hohlweg, U., Renz, D., Doerfler, W.
Institute of Genetics, University of Cologne, Koeln, Germany
...Using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or the fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) method, foreign DNA, orally ingested by pregnant mice, can be discovered in various organs of fetuses and of newborn animals...
Mol. Gen. Genet. 1998 Oct;259(6):569-76
2)GM DNA in Human Gut Underestimated (ISIS Report, 21 July 2002), UK’s Food Standards Agency dismissed its new research findings that GM DNA in food has transferred to bacteria in the human gut. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho reveals how the experiment was designed to bias against positive findings, so the actual transfer of GM DNA could be much more extensive.
Ani GM potraviny se nemuzou hodit do jednoho pytle, jejich produkce je vsak stale pro mnohe lidi v Evrope kontraverzni - jejich mozny skodlivy ucinek nejen na lidi, zvirat, ale take na zivotni prostredi a dlouhodobe nasledky stale neni mozne s jistotou upresnit.
"Také by mne zajímalo, jaký je rozdíl mezi genetickou modifikiací GM a normálním šlechtěním rostlin":
Geneticky modifikovany organismus (GMO) vznika genovym inzenyrstvim. Prenos genu z jednoho organismu do druheho a to zpusobem, kterym k tomu v prirode nedochazi nebo ani dochazet nemuze (prenos rybiho genu do rajcete). Klasicka hybridizace spociva ve vyslechteni urcitych vlastnosti bez fyzickeho vyjmuti a prenosu jednotlivych genu.