Re: vyuka AJ v MS je nesmysl
Mozna ze ve skolce uz je pozde.
Doporucoval bych podivat se na par studii na dane tema:
* Foreign-language experience in infancy: Effects of short-term exposure and social interaction on phonetic learning -
* Infants can rapidly learn words in a foreign language -
* Study: Few Hours of Foreign Language Enough to Help Babies Incorporate, Retain Foreign Tongue -,2933,571302,00.html
* Effects of Short-Term Exposure to Spanish on the Babbling of English-Learning Infants -
* Babies can spot languages on facial clues alone -
* Bilingual infants more flexible in language learning (CORDIS News about article in Science) -
* Bilingual infants have better mental control -
* Delay? No way! Bilingual infants are more efficient word learners -
Jako zajimave mi prijde, ze:
* mezi 6-12 mesicem prudce klesa schopnost deti rozpoznavat zvuky ciziho jazyka
* ale, pokud jsou deti vystaveny cizimu jazyku mezi 9-10 mesicem, lze tento proces zvratit
* pozitivni efekt ma pouze komunikace clovek-clovek podporena socialni interakci; audio vizualni zaznam nemel zadny vliv
* staci pouze nekolik kratkych lekci (30 minut, 10 lekci)
* mozek maleho ditete je shopen naucit se rozpoznavat zvuky charakteristicke pro dany jazyk - s rostoucim vekem tato schopnost degraduje a nektere neuronove synapse nezvratne z mozku zmizi a dite se musi naucit jazyk "jinak"