6.8.2009 16:34:12 Eeka
Re: Otěhotnět jen v době ovulace?
Can a woman ovulate more than once during each cycle?
A woman cannot ovulate more than once during each cycle, therefore she cannot get pregnant more than once during a cycle. Multiple ovulation can occur and is when two or more eggs are released in a single cycle. Both eggs are released during one 24 hour period and are responsible for the birth of fraternal twins. It is believed that this may occur in as many as 5-10% of all cycles but does not result in that many twins due to a type of miscarriage referred to as the “vanishing twin phenomenon.”
Pro ty co anglicky nectou...dvoji ovulace je mozna...pricemz dozrava vice folikulu a uvolnuje se vice vajicek...NASTAVA VSAK V ROZMEZI 24 HODIN! jejim vysledkem jsou neidenticka dvojcata..napriklad...
Jinak ja osobne sledovala dokument in the womb na multiplets a tam jeste zduraznovali, ze docela velke procento dvojcat ani nemusi mit stejneho otce! Prave pri znasobene ovulaci, kdy muze zena mit styk s nekolika partnery a kazde vajicko muze byt oplodneno jinym otvem...
O ovulaci v rozmezi nekolik dni...jako o moznosti...jsem nenasla nikde nic.