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29.3.2011 12:12:22 16.5Salám&Lajka14

Female Russian Names (berte to s rezervou, nejde o ruskej server)

1. ADELAÏDA (Аделаи́да): Russian form of Old High German Adalhaid, meaning "noble sort."
2. AFANASIIA (Афана́сия): Feminine form of Russian Afanasii, meaning "immortal."
3. AGAFIA (Ага́фья): Russian form of Latin Agatha, meaning "good."

AGAFIIA: Variant spelling of Russian Agafia, meaning "good."

AGAFYA (Агафя): Variant spelling of Russian Agafia, meaning "good."

AGLAII (Аглаий): Russian form of Greek Aglaia, the myth name of one of the three Graces, meaning "beauty, splendor."

AGLAYA: Variant spelling of Russian Aglaii, meaning "beauty, splendor."

AGNESSA (Агне́сса): Russian form of Greek Hagne, meaning "chaste; holy."

AGNESSE: Variant spelling of Russian Agnessa, meaning "chaste; holy."

AGRAFENA (Аграфена): Variant spelling of Russian Agripena, meaning "wild horse."

AGRAFINA (Аграфина): Variant spelling of Russian Agripina, meaning "wild horse."

AGRIPENA: Variant spelling of Russian Agripina, meaning "wild horse."

AGRIPINA (Агрипина): Feminine form of Russian Agripin, meaning "wild horse."

AGRIPPA (Агриппа): Contracted form of Russian Agripina, meaning "wild horse." Compare with masculine Agrippa.

AGRIPPINA (Агриппина): Variant spelling of Russian Agripina, meaning "wild horse."

AGRIPPINE: French form of Russian Agrippina, meaning "wild horse."

AKILINA (Акили́на): Russian form of Roman Latin Aquilina, meaning "eagle."

AKSINYA (Акси́ния): Variant spelling of Russian Ksenija, meaning "stranger, foreigner," but sometimes rendered "hospitable (esp. to foreigners)."

AKULINA (Акули́на): Variant spelling of Russian Akilina, meaning "eagle."

ALEKSANDRA (Алекса́ндра): Feminine form of Russian Aleksandr, meaning "defender of mankind."

ALEKSANDRINA (Александрина): Pet form of Russian Aleksandra, meaning "defender of mankind."

ALENA: Russian form of Greek Helénē, possibly meaning "torch." Compare with another form of Alena.

ALISA (Али́са): Russian equivalent of English Alice, meaning "noble sort." Compare with other forms of Alisa.

ALMA (Альма): Russian name derived from the name of the River Alma. Compare with other forms of Alma.
25. ALYONA (Алёна): Variant spelling of Russian Yelena, possibly meaning "torch." This is a popular Russian name often used in fairy tales.

ANASTASIYA (Анаста́си́я): Russian and Ukrainian form of Greek Anastasia, meaning "resurrection."

ANASTASSIA: Variant spelling of Russian/Ukrainian Anastasiya, meaning "resurrection."

ANFISA (Анфи́са): Russian form of Greek Anthousa, meaning "flower."

ANIA: Variant spelling of Russian Anya, meaning "favor; grace." Compare with another form of Ania.
30. ANJA (Аня): Variant spelling of Russian Anya, meaning "favor; grace."
31. ANNUSHKA (Аннушка): Diminutive form of Russian Anya, meaning "favor; grace."
32. ANTONIYA (Антония): Feminine form of Russian Antoniy, possibly meaning "invaluable."
33. ANUSHKA (Анушка): Variant spelling of Russian Annushka, meaning "favor; grace."
34. ANYA (Аня): Russian form of Latin Anna, meaning "favor; grace."

ANZHELA (Анже́ла): Russian form of Latin Angela, meaning "angel, messenger."

ANZHELINA (Анжели́на): Russian form of Latin Angelina, meaning "angel, messenger."

APOLLINARIYA (Аполлина́рия): Feminine form of Russian Apollonii, meaning "of Apollo."

ARINA (Арина): Variant spelling of Russian Irina, meaning "peace."

ARISHA (Ариша): Pet form of Russian Arina, meaning "peace."

ASYA (Ася): Pet form of Russian Anastasiya, meaning "resurrection."
41. AVDOTIA: Variant spelling of Russian Avdotya, meaning "good-seeming."
42. AVDOTYA (Авдотья): Russian form of Latin Eudocia, meaning "good-seeming."
43. BOLESLAVA (Болеслава): Feminine form of Slavic Boleslav, meaning "large glory." In use by the Russians.
44. BORBALA (Борбала): Russian form of Greek Barbara, meaning "foreign; strange."
45. BORISLAVA (Борислава): Feminine form of Slavic Borislav, meaning "battle glory." In use by the Bulgarians and Russians.
46. BRONISLAVA: Feminine form of Slavic Bronislav, meaning "glorious protector." In use by the Russians.
47. DARYA: Russian form of Roman Latin Daria, meaning "possesses a lot, wealthy." Compare with another form of Darya.
48. DUNYA (Дуня): Pet form of Russian Avdotya, meaning "good-seeming."
49. DUNYASHA (Дуняша): Pet form of Russian Avdotya, meaning "good-seeming."
50. EFIM"IA (Евфимья): Feminine form of Russian Efim, meaning "holy, pious."
51. EFIMIIA (Евфимия): Feminine form of Russian Efim, meaning "holy, pious."
52. EFROSINIA (Ефросинья): Feminine form of Russian Efrosin, meaning "joy, mirth."
53. EKATERINA (Екатерина): Russian form of Greek Aikaterine, meaning "pure." Also spelled Yekaterina.
54. ELIZAVETA (Елизавета): Russian form of Greek Elisabet, meaning "God is my oath." Also spelled Yelizaveta.
55. ESFIR (Есфирь): Variant spelling of Russian Yesfir, meaning "star."
56. EVDOKIYA (Евдокия): Bulgarian and Russian form of Greek Eudokia, meaning "good-seeming."
57. EVGENIYA (Евгения): Variant spelling of Russian Yevgeniya, meaning "well born."
58. EVPRAKSIYA (Евпраксия): Variant spelling of Russian Yevpraksiya, meaning "good conduct."
59. FAINA (Фаина): Russian name meaning "light."
60. FÉDORA: Feminine form of Russian Fédor, meaning "gift of God."
61. FEKLA (Фекла): Russian form of Greek Thekla, meaning "glory of God."
62. FEODORA: Feminine form of Russian Feodor, meaning "gift of God."
63. FILIPPA (Филиппа): Feminine form of Russian Filipp, meaning "lover of horses."
64. GALA (Гала): Pet form of Russian Galina, meaning "calm, tranquil." Compare with another form of Gala.
65. GALINA (Гали́на): Russian feminine form of Roman Latin Galenus, meaning "calm, tranquil." Compare with another form of Galina.
66. GALYA (Галя): Pet form of Russian Galina, meaning "calm, tranquil." Compare with another form of Galya.
67. GAVRIILA (Гавриила): Feminine form of Russian Gavriil, meaning "man of God" or "warrior of God."
68. GRUSHA (Груша): Pet form of Russian Agrafena, meaning "wild horse."
69. GULISTANSKIY (Гюлистанский): Russian form of Persian Gulistan, meaning "rose-land."
70. INNA (И́нна): Russian unisex name meaning "strong water." This name was originally a male name, but became somewhat popular as a religious girl"s name due to the misidentification of the sex of the Russian martyr Inna, a male student of the Apostle Andrei.
71. IOLANTA (Иоланта): Russian form of Greek Iolanthe, meaning "violet flower." This is the name of an opera by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, based on the Danish play "King René"s Daughter," by Henrik Hertz. The first performance took place in St. Petersburg in 1892.
72. IRINA (Ирина): Russian form of Greek Eirênê, meaning "peace."
73. IRINUSHKA (Иринушка): Pet form of Russian Irina, meaning "peace."
74. ISIDORA (Исидора): Feminine form of Russian Isidor, meaning "gift of Isis."
75. JEKATERINA (Екатери́на): Variant spelling of Russian Yekaterina, meaning "pure."
76. JULIJA (Ю́лия): Feminine form of Russian Julij, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)." Compare with other forms of Julija.
77. KAPEKA (Капека): Russian form of Czech/Slovak Capeka, meaning "little stork."
78. KARINA: Contracted form of Russian Ekaterina, meaning "pure." Compare with other forms of Karina.
79. KATA: Short form of Russian Yekaterina, meaning "pure." Compare with other forms of Kata.
80. KATENKA (Катенька): Diminutive form of Russian Ekaterina and Yekaterina, meaning "pure."
81. KATERINA: Short form of Russian Ekaterina and Yekaterina, both meaning "pure." Compare with another form of Katerina.
82. KATERINKA: Diminutive form of Russian Ekaterina and Yekaterina, meaning "little pure one."
83. KATIA (Катя): Variant spelling of Russian Katya, meaning "pure."
84. KATJA (Катя): Pet form of Russian Ekaterina and Yekaterina, meaning "pure."
85. KATJUSHA (Катюша): Diminutive form of Russian Ekaterina and Yekaterina, meaning "little pure one."
86. KATYA (Катя): Pet form of Russian Ekaterina and Yekaterina, meaning "pure."
87. KATYUSHA (Катюша): Diminutive form of Russian Ekaterina and Yekaterina, meaning "little pure one."
88. KIRA (Ки́ра): Feminine form of Russian Kir, meaning "mistress, ruler."
89. KLARA (Кла́ра): Russian form of Latin Clara, meaning "clear, bright." Compare with other forms of Klara.
90. KLAVA (Клава): Pet form of Russian Klavdiya, meaning "lame."
91. KLAVDIA: Variant spelling of Russian Klavdiya, meaning "lame."
92. KLAVDIYA (Клавдия): Russian form of Roman Latin Claudia, meaning "lame."
93. KSENIJA (Ксения): Russian form of Greek Xenia, meaning "stranger, foreigner," but sometimes rendered "hospitable (esp. to foreigners)." Compare with other forms of Ksenija.
94. LANA: Short form of Russian Svetlana, meaning "light." Compare with other forms of Lana.
95. LARA (Лара): Short form of Russian Larissa, possibly meaning "fortified town." Compare with another form of Lara.
96. LARISSA (Ларисса): Russian form of Greek Lárisa, probably meaning "fortified town."
97. LIDIYA (Лидия): Bulgarian and Russian form of Greek Lydia, meaning "of Lydia."
98. LIOUBA (Любa): Variant spelling of Russian Lyuba, meaning "love."
99. LIZA: Short form of Russian Yelizaveta, meaning "God is my oath." Compare with another form of Liza.
100. LIZAVETA (Лизавета): Short form of Russian Yelizaveta, meaning "God is my oath."
101. LUBA (Люба): Variant spelling of Russian Lyuba, meaning "love."
102. LUDMILA (Людмила): Russian feminine form of Czech/Russian Ludmil, meaning "people"s favor."
103. LYUBA (Люба): Pet form of Russian Lyubov, meaning "love." In use by the Romani.
104. LYUBOV (Любо́вь): Russian name derived from the Slavic word lub, meaning "love."
105. MAGDALINA (Магдалина): Russian form of Greek Magdalēnē, meaning "of Magdala."
106. MANYA (Маня): Pet form of Russian Mariya, meaning "obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion."
107. MARFA (Марфа): Russian form of Greek Martha, meaning "lady, mistress."
108. MARIAMNA (Марьямна): Russian form of Aramaic Mariamne (Hebrew Miryam), meaning "obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion."
109. MARIANNA (Марианна): Russian form of Latin Mariana, meaning "like Marius."
110. MARIYA (Мари́я): Russian form of Greek Maria, meaning "obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion."
111. MARYA (Маря): Russian form of Greek Maria, meaning "obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion."
112. MASHA (Маша): Pet form of Russian Marya, meaning "obstinacy, rebelliousness" or "their rebellion."
113. MATRYONA (Матрона): Russian form of Latin Matrona, meaning "lady."
114. MATRYOSHA (Матреша): Pet form of Russian Matryona, meaning "lady."
115. MATRYOSHKA (Матрешка): Pet form of Russian Matryona, meaning "lady."
116. NADA (Нада): Pet form of Russian Nadezhda, meaning "hope."
117. NADEZHDA (Надежда): Russian name meaning "hope."
118. NADYA (Надя): Pet form of Russian Nadezhda, meaning "hope." In use by the Romani. Compare with other forms of Nadya.
119. NAIDA (Наида): Russian name derived from the word nayda, from Greek Naiad, meaning "water nymph."
120. NASTASIA (Настасья): Short form of Russian Anastasiya, meaning "resurrection."
121. NASTASJA (Настасья): Variant spelling of Russian Nastasya, meaning "resurrection."
122. NASTASSIA: Belarusian form of Russian Nastasya, meaning "resurrection."
123. NASTASSIYA: Variant spelling of Russian Nastasya, meaning "resurrection."
124. NASTASSJA: Variant spelling of Russian Nastasya, meaning "resurrection."
125. NASTASSYA: Variant spelling of Russian Nastasya, meaning "resurrection."
126. NASTASYA (Настасья): Short form of Russian Anastasiya, meaning "resurrection."
127. NASTENKA: Pet form of Russian Anastasiya, meaning "resurrection."
128. NASTYA (Настя): Diminutive form of Russian Anastasiya, meaning "resurrection."
129. NATALIYA (Наталя): Russian and Ukrainian form of Latin Natalia, meaning "birthday," or in Church Latin "Christmas day."
130. NATALYA (Наталья): Russian form of Latin Natalia, meaning "birthday," or in Church Latin "Christmas day."
131. NATASHA (Наташа): Pet form of Russian Natalya, meaning "birthday," or in Church Latin "Christmas day."
132. NIKA: Feminine form of Russian Nikolai, meaning "victor of the people." Compare with another form of Nika.
133. NINA: Short form of Russian Annina, meaning "favor; grace." Compare with other forms of Nina.
134. NINEL: Modern Russian name created by spelling Lenin backwards.
135. NONA (Нона): Russian name derived from Greek enatos, meaning "ninth." Compare with another form of Nona.
136. NONNA (Нонна): Russian name meaning "God-blessed" or "God-cleansed."
137. OGAFIA (Огафья): Variant spelling of Russian Agafia, meaning "good."
138. OGRIFINA: Variant form of Russian Agrafina, meaning "wild horse."
139. OGROFENKA: Diminutive form of Russian Ogrifina, meaning "wild horse."
140. OGRUFENA: Variant form of Russian Agrafina, meaning "wild horse."
141. OGRUFINA: Variant form of Russian Agrafina, meaning "wild horse."
142. OLGA (Ольга): Feminine form of Russian Oleg, meaning "dedicated to the gods; holy."
143. OLYA: Pet form of Russian Olga, meaning "dedicated to the gods; holy."
144. OVDOTIA: Variant spelling of Russian Ovdotya, meaning "good-seeming."
145. OVDOTYA (Овдотья): Variant form of Russian Avdotya, meaning "good-seeming."
146. PELAGEYA (Пелагея): Russian form of Greek Pelagia, meaning "of the sea."
147. POLINA (Полина): Short form of Russian Apollinariya, meaning "of Apollo."
148. PRASKOVIYA (Параскева): Russian form of Greek Paraskeve, meaning "preparation."
149. RADA (Рада): Bulgarian and Russian name derived from the Slavic element rad, meaning "happy."
150. RADINKA (Радинка): Russian equivalent of French Radelle, meaning "counsel."
151. RAISA (Раи́са): Russian name meaning "easy, prepared." Compare with other forms of Raisa.
152. ROKSANA (Russian: Роксана): Polish and Russian form of Latin Roxana, meaning "dawn."
153. ROZA (Ро́за): Russian name meaning "rose."
154. SACHA: French form of Russian unisex Sasha, meaning "defender of mankind."
155. SASHA (Саша): Unisex pet form of Russian Aleksandr and Aleksandra, both meaning "defender of mankind."
156. SASHURA (Сашура): Unisex pet form of Russian Aleksandr and Aleksandra, both meaning "defender of mankind."
157. SERAFIMA (Серафима): Feminine form of Russian Serafim, meaning "burning one" or "serpent."
158. SERAFINA (Серафина): Russian form of Latin Seraphina, meaning "burning one" or "serpent." Compare with other forms of Serafina.
159. SHURA (Шура): Short form of Russian unisex Sashura, meaning "defender of mankind." Compare with another form of Shura.
160. SLAVA (Слава): Russian unisex name meaning "glory."
161. SOFIYA (Russian: София, Ukrainian: Софія): Russian and Ukrainian form of Greek Sophia, meaning "wisdom."
162. SOFYA (Софья): Russian form of Greek Sophia, meaning "wisdom."
163. SONYA (Соня): Pet form of Russian Sofya, meaning "wisdom."
164. STASYA (Стася): Feminine form of Russian Stas, meaning "glorious government."
165. SVETA (Света): Pet form of Russian Svetlana, meaning "light."
166. SVETLANA (Светлана): Russian name derived from the Slavic element svet, meaning "light."
167. SYUZANNA (Сюзанна): Russian form of Greek Sousánna, meaning "lily."
168. TALYA (Талья): Short form of Russian Natalya, meaning "birthday," or in Church Latin "Christmas day." Compare with other forms of Talya.
169. TAMARA (Тамара): Russian form of Hebrew Tamar, meaning "palm tree." In Sanskrit, tamara means "spice."
170. TAMARAH: Variant spelling of Russian Tamara, meaning "palm tree."
171. TANYA (Таня): Russian pet form of Latin Tatiana, probably meaning "father."
172. TASHA (Таша): Short form of Russian Natasha, meaning "birthday," or in Church Latin "Christmas day."
173. TATIANA (Russian: Татьяна): Feminine form of Latin Tatianus, probably meaning "father." In use by the Italians, Portuguese, Romanians, Russians and Spanish.
174. TATYANA (Bulgarian: Татяна, Russian: Татья́на): Bulgarian and Russian form of Latin Tatiana, probably meaning "father."
175. TATYANNA: Russian form of Latin Tatiana, probably meaning "father."
176. TOMA (Тома): Pet form of Russian Tamara, meaning "palm tree." Compare with masculine Toma.
177. ULIANA (Ульяна): Russian form of Roman Latin Juliana, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)."
178. USTINYA (Устинья): Russian form of Roman Latin Justina, meaning "fair, just."
179. VALERIYA (Валерия): Russian feminine form of Roman Valerius, meaning "to be healthy, to be strong."
180. VARINKA (Варинка): Pet form of Russian Varvara, meaning "foreign; strange."
181. VARUSHKA (Варушка): Pet form of Russian Varvara, meaning "foreign; strange."
182. VARVARA (Варвара): Russian form of Greek Barbara, meaning "foreign; strange."
183. VARYA (Варя): Pet form of Russian Varvara, meaning "foreign; strange."
184. VERA (Вера): Russian name, meaning "faith; truth." Compare with another form of Vera.
185. VERONIKA (Вероника): Russian form of Latin Veronica, meaning "bringer of victory."
186. VIKTORIYA (Виктория): Russian and Ukrainian form of Roman Latin Victoria, meaning "conqueror" or "victory."
187. YAROSLAVA (Ярослава): Feminine form of Russian Yaroslav, meaning "spring glory."
188. YEKATERINA (Екатери́на): Russian form of Greek Aikaterine, meaning "pure." Also spelled Ekaterina.
189. YELENA (Елена): Russian form of Greek Helénē, probably meaning "torch."
190. YELIZAVETA (Елизавета): Variant spelling of Russian Elizaveta, meaning "God is my oath."
191. YESFIR (Есфирь): Russian form of Persian Esther, meaning "star."
192. YEVA (Russian: Ева): Armenian and Russian form of Greek Eva, meaning "life."
193. YEVDOKIYA (Евдокия): Russian form of Greek Eudokia, meaning "good-seeming."
194. YEVGENIYA (Евгения): Feminine form of Russian Yevgeniy, meaning "well born."
195. YEVPRAKSIYA (Евпраксия): Russian form of Greek Eupraxia, meaning "good conduct."
196. YULIA (Ю́лия): Variant spelling of Russian Yuliya, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)."
197. YULIANA (Юлиана): Russian form of Roman Latin Juliana, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)."
198. YULIYA (Юлия): Russian form of Roman Latin Julia, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)."
199. YUSTINA (Юстина): Russian form of Latin Justina, meaning "fair, just."
200. ZARYA (Заря): Russian form of Slavic Zaria, meaning "morning star" or "sunrise."
201. ZHANNA (Жанна): Russian form of Anglo-Norman French Jehane, meaning "God is gracious."
202. ZHENYA (Женя): Pet form of Russian Yevgeniya, meaning "well born."
203. ZINA (Зина): Short form of Russian Zinaida, possibly meaning "of Zeus."
204. ZINAIDA (Зинаида): Russian form of Greek Zenais, possibly meaning "of Zeus."
205. ZINOVIA: Variant spelling of Russian Zinoviya, meaning "life of Zeus."
206. ZINOVIYA (Зиновия): Feminine form of Russian Zinoviy, meaning "life of Zeus."
207. ZOYA (Зоя): Russian form of Greek Zoe, meaning "life."
Průběh diskuze (188 názorů)
Téma: Jméno Larisa maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 11:34
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Epepe 29.3.2011 11:35
**Re: Jméno Larisa? Aja 29.3.2011 11:37
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Žžena 29.3.2011 11:35
*Re: Jméno Larisa? 16.5Salám&Lajka14 29.3.2011 11:36
**Re: Jméno Larisa? Gora 29.3.2011 11:40
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Sqeeky a kluci 02/05 a 06/08 29.3.2011 11:37
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Balbína 29.3.2011 11:37
**Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 11:40
***Re: Jméno Larisa? ...neviditelná... 29.3.2011 11:42
****Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 11:44
*****Re: Jméno Larisa? Káťa+2 Škubánci 29.3.2011 11:48
*****Re: Jméno Larisa? Balbína 29.3.2011 12:3
*****Re: Jméno Larisa? Gabriella, 2 děti 29.3.2011 12:7
******Berenika Gabriella, 2 děti 29.3.2011 13:6
*Re: Jméno Larisa? MrakovaK 29.3.2011 11:38
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Lili 29.3.2011 11:39
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Donell 29.3.2011 11:39
*Re: Jméno Larisa? X E N A 29.3.2011 11:39
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Pole levandulové 29.3.2011 11:39
**Re: Jméno Larisa? walida 29.3.2011 13:4
***Re: Jméno Larisa? 16.5Salám&Lajka14 29.3.2011 13:5
****Re: Jméno Larisa? Diana* A. 12/00 + V.&T. 03/06 29.3.2011 13:8
*****Re: Jméno Larisa? walida 29.3.2011 13:52
*Re: Jméno Larisa? MishuI 29.3.2011 11:40
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Martheen+4 29.3.2011 11:41
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Kalamity YANKA 29.3.2011 11:41
*Re: Jméno Larisa? jjenny+Jeníček 02/2008+Filípek 29.3.2011 11:41
**Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 11:43
***Re: Jméno Larisa? š. 29.3.2011 11:44
****Re: Jméno Larisa? š. 29.3.2011 11:46
*****Re: Jméno Larisa? ChemicalJane + 4 29.3.2011 12:18
***Re: Jméno Larisa? Kalamity YANKA 29.3.2011 11:45
****Re: Jméno Larisa? 16.5Salám&Lajka14 29.3.2011 11:46
*****Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 11:48
******Re: Jméno Larisa? Martheen+4 29.3.2011 11:50
*******Re: Jméno Larisa? MishuI 29.3.2011 11:51
*******Re: Jméno Larisa? Aja 29.3.2011 11:51
*******Re: Jméno Larisa? KlaudieS+M+E 29.3.2011 11:51
*******Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 11:52
********Re: Jméno Larisa? Aja 29.3.2011 11:53
*********Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 11:53
**********Re: Jméno Larisa? Aja 29.3.2011 11:54
*********Re: Jméno Larisa? KlaudieS+M+E 29.3.2011 11:54
********Re: Jméno Larisa? 16.5Salám&Lajka14 29.3.2011 11:55
*********Re: Jméno Larisa? Aja 29.3.2011 11:56
*********Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 11:56
**********Re: Jméno Larisa? Martheen+4 29.3.2011 11:58
**********Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 11:58
***********Re: Jméno Larisa? Martheen+4 29.3.2011 12:0
***********Re: Jméno Larisa? Petra Neomi 29.3.2011 12:0
***********Re: Jméno Larisa? 16.5Salám&Lajka14 29.3.2011 12:1
************Re: Jméno Larisa... maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:2
***********Re: Jméno Larisa? čekanka 29.3.2011 13:49
******Re: Jméno Larisa? KlaudieS+M+E 29.3.2011 11:51
******Re: Jméno Larisa? Martheen+4 29.3.2011 11:51
******Re: Jméno Larisa? KlaudieS+M+E 29.3.2011 11:52
*******Re: Jméno Larisa? KlaudieS+M+E 29.3.2011 11:53
********Re: Jméno Larisa? KlaudieS+M+E 29.3.2011 11:55
*********Re: Jméno Larisa? KlaudieS+M+E 29.3.2011 11:56
**********Re: Jméno Larisa? KlaudieS+M+E 29.3.2011 11:58
***********Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 11:59
************Re: Jméno Larisa... maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:0
************Re: Jméno Larisa... KlaudieS+M+E 29.3.2011 12:1
************Re: Jméno Larisa... Martheen+4 29.3.2011 12:2
******Re: Jméno Larisa? 16.5Salám&Lajka14 29.3.2011 11:52
******Re: Jméno Larisa? Diana* A. 12/00 + V.&T. 03/06 29.3.2011 12:4
*******Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:6
********Re: Jméno Larisa? Hwezdi&Viktorie 29.3.2011 12:7
********Re: Jméno Larisa? 16.5Salám&Lajka14 29.3.2011 12:7
*********Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:10
**********Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:11
***********Re: Jméno Larisa? 16.5Salám&Lajka14 29.3.2011 12:12
************Re: Jméno Larisa... Persepolis 29.3.2011 13:25
*************Re: Jméno Lari... Danulu 29.3.2011 13:34
**********Re: Jméno Larisa? Persepolis 29.3.2011 13:19
********Re: Jméno Larisa? Diana* A. 12/00 + V.&T. 03/06 29.3.2011 12:16
*********Týnka Epepe 29.3.2011 12:23
*******Re: Jméno Larisa? Diana* A. 12/00 + V.&T. 03/06 29.3.2011 12:6
********Re: Jméno Larisa? Aja 29.3.2011 12:8
*********Re: Jméno Larisa? Aja 29.3.2011 12:8
******Re: Jméno Larisa? Epepe 29.3.2011 12:22
****Re: Jméno Larisa? KlaudieS+M+E 29.3.2011 11:46
*****Re: Jméno Larisa? KlaudieS+M+E 29.3.2011 11:48
*****Re: Jméno Larisa? Kalamity YANKA 29.3.2011 11:49
***Re: Jméno Larisa? Martheen+4 29.3.2011 11:47
***Re: Jméno Larisa? jjenny+Jeníček 02/2008+Filípek 29.3.2011 11:51
****Re: Jméno Larisa? Martheen+4 29.3.2011 11:56
*****Re: Jméno Larisa? jjenny+Jeníček 02/2008+Filípek 29.3.2011 12:3
***Re: Jméno Larisa? Mikeš+ 3 holky 29.3.2011 15:21
**Re: Jméno Larisa? 16.5Salám&Lajka14 29.3.2011 11:44
***Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 11:46
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Johanka z Dvorku 29.3.2011 11:44
*Re: Jméno Larisa? KlaudieS+M+E 29.3.2011 11:46
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Ikara 29.3.2011 11:49
*Re: Jméno Larisa? kambala 29.3.2011 11:54
*Re: Jméno Larisa? veverkaa 29.3.2011 11:54
**Re: Jméno Larisa? mil007 29.3.2011 12:1
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Petra Neomi 29.3.2011 12:0
**Re: Jméno Larisa? Binturongg 29.3.2011 12:0
***Re: Jméno Larisa? Petra Neomi 29.3.2011 12:2
*Z té deky jsem měla i kabátek Binturongg 29.3.2011 12:0
**Re: Z té deky jsem měla i kabátek maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:1
**Re: Z té deky jsem měla i kabátek maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:1
***Re: Z té deky jsem měla i kabátek Petra Neomi 29.3.2011 12:3
***Re: Z té deky jsem měla i kabátek Martheen+4 29.3.2011 12:4
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Danulu 29.3.2011 12:2
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Hwezdi&Viktorie 29.3.2011 12:3
**Re: Jméno Larisa? Hwezdi&Viktorie 29.3.2011 12:4
***Re: Jméno Larisa? 16.5Salám&Lajka14 29.3.2011 12:5
**Re: Jméno Larisa? Diana* A. 12/00 + V.&T. 03/06 29.3.2011 12:5
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Kopřiva Dvoudomá 29.3.2011 12:9
**Female Russian Names (berte to s rez... 16.5Salám&Lajka14 29.3.2011 12:12
***Re: Female Russian Names (berte to... Epepe 29.3.2011 12:34
***Re: Female Russian Names (berte to... Persepolis 29.3.2011 13:35
**Re: Jméno Larisa? Danulu 29.3.2011 12:12
**Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:12
***Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:14
****Re: Jméno Larisa? Káťa+2 Škubánci 29.3.2011 12:23
*****Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:25
******Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:27
*******Maargit Epepe 29.3.2011 12:30
********Re: Maargit Binturongg 29.3.2011 12:36
*********Re: Maargit ChemicalJane + 4 29.3.2011 12:54
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Hwezdi&Viktorie 29.3.2011 12:12
*Re: Jméno Larisa? ChemicalJane + 4 29.3.2011 12:12
**Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:16
***Re: Jméno Larisa? Aja 29.3.2011 12:16
***Re: Jméno Larisa? 16.5Salám&Lajka14 29.3.2011 12:17
****Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:21
*****Re: Jméno Larisa? Dadulka,02/06,06/07 29.3.2011 12:23
*****Re: Jméno Larisa? 16.5Salám&Lajka14 29.3.2011 12:23
******Fanouš Epepe 29.3.2011 12:25
*******Re: Fanouš walida 29.3.2011 14:27
******Re: Jméno Larisa? Binturongg 29.3.2011 12:34
*******Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:35
********Re: Jméno Larisa? Binturongg 29.3.2011 12:38
*********Re: Jméno Larisa? Epepe 29.3.2011 12:51
*******Binturouš Epepe 29.3.2011 12:35
********Re: Binturouš maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:36
*********Re: Binturouš Epepe 29.3.2011 12:37
**********Re: Binturouš maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:45
***********Re: Binturouš ChemicalJane + 4 29.3.2011 12:57
***********Re: Binturouš Diana* A. 12/00 + V.&T. 03/06 29.3.2011 13:3
************Re: Binturouš Greea & ♥♥ 29.3.2011 13:4
************Re: Binturouš Jane Doe 1.4.2011 16:52
***********Re: Binturouš Danulu 29.3.2011 13:33
********Re: Binturouš Binturongg 29.3.2011 12:36
*******Re: Jméno Larisa? 16.5Salám&Lajka14 29.3.2011 12:43
*****Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:25
******Re: Jméno Larisa? Diana* A. 12/00 + V.&T. 03/06 29.3.2011 12:30
*******Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:34
********Re: Jméno Larisa? ChemicalJane + 4 29.3.2011 13:1
******Re: Jméno Larisa? ChemicalJane + 4 29.3.2011 13:0
*******Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 13:2
******Re: Jméno Larisa? petluše 29.3.2011 20:26
***Re: Jméno Larisa? ChemicalJane + 4 29.3.2011 12:20
***Re: Jméno Larisa? Diana* A. 12/00 + V.&T. 03/06 29.3.2011 12:21
***Re: Jméno Larisa? Binturongg 29.3.2011 12:27
****Re: Jméno Larisa? maargitt & dráčátka 29.3.2011 12:28
*Re: Jméno Larisa? kreditka 29.3.2011 12:14
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Dadulka,02/06,06/07 29.3.2011 12:18
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Claire4891 29.3.2011 12:49
*Re: Jméno Larisa? vendyna (Janinka + Alenka) 29.3.2011 12:53
*Re: Jméno Larisa? Horama 29.3.2011 12:59
*Re: Jméno Larisa? ivaxx 29.3.2011 13:5
*Re: Jméno Larisa Markéta 29.3.2011 13:28
*Re: Jméno Larisa kosatka2 29.3.2011 13:31
*Re: Jméno Larisa Maia 29.3.2011 13:41
*Re: Jméno Larisa Blanka+Adámek 29.3.2011 14:2
*Re: Jméno Larisa Oliverka 29.3.2011 14:8
**Re: Jméno Larisa Teya, Lucinka 2/09 29.3.2011 14:25
*Re: Jméno Larisa Inka 29.3.2011 14:32
*Lara!!! tj nádherný karma 29.3.2011 15:15
*Re: Jméno Larisa Nivea 29.3.2011 15:22
*Re: Jméno Larisa 8.5Yettynkaa12 29.3.2011 15:25
**Re: Jméno Larisa Adra 29.3.2011 15:43
*Re: Jméno Larisa Martheen+4 29.3.2011 15:31
*Re: Jméno Larisa malostranska 29.3.2011 15:53
**Re: Jméno Larisa malostranska 29.3.2011 16:16
*Re: Jméno Larisa *Niki* 29.3.2011 16:34
**Re: Jméno Larisa Ina 29.3.2011 19:41
***Re: Jméno Larisa Ina 29.3.2011 19:44
****Re: Jméno Larisa Kudátko+3 29.3.2011 20:19
*Re: Jméno Larisa Morrígan_Bójská 29.3.2011 21:27
**Re: Jméno Larisa Martheen+4 29.3.2011 21:29
*Re: Jméno Larisa WildWilma 30.3.2011 12:39
**Re: Jméno Larisa Mili+2 5.4.2011 16:15

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