30.8.2011 21:33:35 Elíláma
Re: V jaké osobě psát bakalářskou práci?
Lei: no, koukám na matroše k diplomce a jak co, trpál např. v:
"The treatment of patients with major depression using an SSRI and pindolol, a 5-HT1A/β-adrenoceptor antagonist, markedly reduced the latency of the antidepressant response"
"This study evaluated mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), a group intervention designed to train recovered recurrently depressed patients to ..."
"Ss were administered a battery of scales, including"
"First, we compare the risk of onset of an episode of major depression associated with dependent
versus independent"
"we report the prevalence rates by sex and age at onset of major depression"
"we have thoroughly followed a population-based cohort of stroke patients "
Ale přiznávám, že mě sedí víc trpál
V našem článku máme plurál
z jiného "We tested a hypothesis that outpatients do not differ in cognitive variables from matched controls..."
A to dodávám, že jsem test nesmolila já, já dávala dohromady literaturu a teorii
co se tohoto týče, pokud to neopsali z má diplomky