3.12.2012 11:13:07 *Aida*
Re: Palestina ziskala status neclenskeho statu OSN
Vetsina Palestincu mir nechce.
Hmm, odvazne tvrzeni.
To ja bych zas mohla rict, ze vetsina Israelcu mir nechce.
"Musíme se zemí srovnat celé čtvrti Gazy, celou Gazu. Američané neskončili s Hirošimou - Japonci dostatečně nekapitulovali. A proto zasáhli také Nagasaki," tvrdí Šaron. (Syn Ariela Sarona)
K tomu, ze Israelska armada varuje civilisty a snazi se vyhnout jejich zabijeni:
The Israeli human rights group B’Tselem describes the incident as follows:
“On 4 January 2009, at the start of the ground phase of operation Cast Lead, about 100 members of the extended a-Samuni family were huddled inside one house in the a-Zeitun neighborhood of Gaza City. The next morning, an Israeli airstrike killed 21 people inside the house, including 9 children and 10 women, and injured dozens of other family members. During the next two days, the army refused access to medical teams, in spite of being informed of the terrible outcome by family members who managed to escape the bombed home and human rights and humanitarian organizations, including B’Tselem. When medics managed to get to site, they found four small children next to their dead mothers in one of the houses, and evacuated several wounded people. The army refused permission to evacuate the bodies and they remained in the rubble for a further two weeks.”
A UN Human Rights Council investigation concluded that Israeli forces committed serious war crimes and possible crimes against humanity during Operation Cast Lead.
Preklad nejdulezitejsiho: Israelsky letecky utok zabil 21 lidi uvnitr toho domu a zranil tucty dalsich. I kdyz byla Israelska armada informovana o teto tragedii (vcetne informovani Israelskou organizaci B""Tselem), odmitla tam v dalsich dvou dnech vpustit lekarskou pomoc. Kdyz se tam medici konecne dostali, nasli 4 male deti, lezici vedle mrtvych tel svych matek. Armada odmitla vydat povolni k premisteni mrtvych tel a tato zustala v ruinach domu jeste dalsi dva tydny.
Pouzivani lidskych stitu:
Amnesty International has accused Israel and Hamas of endangering civilian lives in the conflict in Gaza, including the use of "human shields".
Israeli troops had forced Palestinian civilians to stay in their homes after taking them over as sniper positions or bases, it said quoting sources in Gaza.
"This increases risk to families and means they are effectively being used as human shields," the group said.
Hamas fighters also put civilians in danger by firing from homes, it added.
Israelsti vojaci prinutili Palestinske civilisty, aby zustali ve svych domech pote, co tyto domy obsadili a pouzivali jako ostrelovaci zakladny a body.
Bojovnici Hamasu tez ohrozuji zivoty civilistu ostrelovanim z jejich domu. (BBC)
Israeli forces have bombed civilian homes and other buildings, arguing that they had been used as cover by gunmen firing at Israeli targets, although Palestinian fighters usually vacate the areas as soon as they have fired.
“The Israeli army is well-aware that Palestinian gunmen usually leave the area after having fired and that any reprisal attack against these homes will in most cases cause harm to civilians -- not gunmen.”
Israelska armada bombardovala civilni domy a dalsi stavby, argumentujice ze tyto byly pouzity jako ochrana Palestinci, kteri ostrelovali Israelce, i kdyz Palestinsti bojovnici bezne utecou hned, co vystreli. Isaelska armada si je tohoto vedoma a vi, ze jakykoliv protiutok ve vetsine pripadu ublizi pouze civilistum, nikoliv ozbrojencum. (Amnesty International)
Two Israeli soldiers convicted of using a Palestinian child as a human shield during an offensive in Gaza in 2009 have received suspended sentences and been demoted.
The soldiers had forced the nine-year-old boy to open suspected booby-trapped bags at gunpoint.
Dva Israelsti vojaci, usvedceni z pouziti Palestinskeho ditete jako lidskeho stitu, dostali podminku. Vojaci prinutili devitileteho chlapce otevrit tasky, o kterych si mysleli, ze vybouchnou, tim ze na nej mirili pistoli.
Tohle je celkem rozsahly clanek, pokud by nekdo chtel, muzu to casem prelozit.
The Israeli army used white phosphorus, a weapon with a highly incendiary effect, in densely populated civilian residential areas of Gaza City, according to indisputable evidence found an Amnesty International fact-finding team which reached the area last Saturday.
When white phosphorus lands on skin it burns deeply through muscle and into the bone, continuing to burn until deprived of oxygen.
Amnesty International’s delegates found still-burning white phosphorus wedges all around residential buildings
Israelska armada pouzila bily fosfor v huste osidlenych civilnich oblastech v Gaze.
Bílý fosfor se dá také použít jako nekonvenční zbraň (někdy je dokonce klasifikován jako chemická zbraň hromadného ničení)... Používá se také k ničení (v podstatě upalování) živé síly nepřítele...Bílý fosfor může být použit jako součást „fosforové“ bomby, kdy efektem na lidský organismus jsou velmi vážné, velmi často smrtelné, popáleniny; devastující účinky má i ve formě aerosolu nebo hustého dýmu, který je produktem jeho hoření.