4.6.2013 16:53:14 .kili.
Re: Silgard X Cervarix - očkujete?
"v souvislosti s jedním syndromem Guillain Barré tady v ČR rozběhlým dva týdny po tomhle očkování váhat"
Já Vám nevím, etiopatogenese G-B syndromu není až tak excellentně prozkoumána, nicméně něco se o tom docela ví. A zda Vámi uvedená časová souvislost je i markerem causality, to bych neřekl. Nicméně byla tu panika tuším v Anglii, média si smlasla, ale konečný závěr už pro ně nebyl atraktivní. Jinak ale bych řekl, že CDC má nejvíce relevantních informací a jejich zpracování. A mrkněte :
In 2009, a CDC-FDA report analyzed adverse events reported to VAERS following Gardasil vaccination from June 2006 through December 2008. This post-licensure study included clinical review of medical records associated with reports to VAERS. The findings were similar to what is seen in the safety reviews of other vaccines recommended for a similar age group, 9 to 26 years old.
The most common adverse events reported were:
•Syncope (or fainting)–common after receiving shots, especially in pre-teens and teens
•Local reactions at the site of immunization (pain and redness)
There was increased reporting of syncope and venous thromboembolism (VTE), or blood clots, compared with what has been found for other vaccines given to females of the same age. Of the people who had blood clots, 90% had a known risk factor for them, such as smoking, obesity or taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills).
Post-licensure safety monitoring from June 2006 through March 2012 continues to show no new HPV vaccine safety concerns.
In 2011, VSD active surveillance (called Rapid Cycle Analysis) looked at specific adverse events following more than 600,000 doses of Gardasil, such as Guillain–Barré Syndrome (GBS), stroke, VTE, appendicitis, seizures, syncope, allergic reactions, and anaphylaxis. No statistically significant increased risk for any of these adverse events was detected after vaccination.