26.12.2014 23:20:10 *Aida*
Re: Rovnátka pro dítě - cena?
Blbej doktor se asi najde vsude. Vseobecneho lekare si kazdy muze vybrat, takze je jen na nem, zda se spokoji s nekolikahodinovym cekanim. Ja to od sveho lekare neznam (od byvaleho ano).
Jinak tedy smernice rika toto, co se tyce ockovani:
If your baby has a minor illness without a fever, such as a cold, they should have their immunisations as normal. If your baby is ill with a fever, put off the immunisation until they have recovered. This is to avoid the fever being associated with the vaccine, or the vaccine increasing the fever your child already has.
Pokud je vase dite bez teplot, tak i kdyz ma rymu, melo by byt ockovano jako normalne. Pokud ma teplotu, ockovani odlozte....