Get ready. Here are the steps 1. This has nothing to do with Islam and he does not represent Islam 2 claim to be the religion of peace 3. It""s blow back for the west being in the Mideast. 4. The guy was a mentally ill "". 5. It is lone wolf attack. 6. It""s just part of living in a big city 7 claim Christians do these things too 8. Those who object are racist bigots. 9. Change Facebook profile to flag of inflicted country. 10. Light some candles, hold a vigil and go on a peace march. 11. Claim Muslims are the real victims. 12. Wait for the next Islamic terrorist attack to happen. 13. Go back to 1. Repeat as needed.
Četnost a původ příjmení najdete na Příjmení.cz. Nejoblíbenější jména a význam jmen na Křestníjmé Pokud hledáte rýmy na české slovo, použijte Rýmovač.cz.
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