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Po kojení 2 dětí a hubnutí nemám hezká prsa~n~. O plastice neuvažuji, jednak kvůli financím, navíc uvažujeme o třetím a vůbec se mi myšlenka řezání do zdravého těla nezamlouvá. na druhou stranu je mi líto, že se ve svých 33 letech za prsa stydím a úplně to nechci vzdát. Pátrala jsem na netu a nejvíc mě zaujala pueraria mirifica. Našla jsem k tomu nějaké studie, pro angličtinářky přikládám:

The first acknowledged human study of herbal breast enhancement was done in 1999 by Professors Kuramoshi (Japanese)and Yuthana (Thai). They tested [certified] Peuraria Mirifica species on 50 Japanese women, between 20 and 49 years old, with daily does of 100 mg to 600 mgs / day. Overall, more than 70% in each group demonstrated breast enlargement and/or firming.

Tests carried out by Thailand"s Chulalongkorn University found Pueraria Mirifica therapy was able to enhance breast size by up to 80%. Further tests carried out in England found that the plant has a beneficial effect on the skin, and hair, as well as the breasts. The formulation of Breast Actives By Breast Gain Plus is based on such research findings.

In the East, the belief in the miraculous rejuvenating properties of Pueraria Mirifica has been passed down from one generation to another for centuries.

Other than the enhancement of breasts, recent studies indicate that Pueraria Mirifica is likely to help prevent breast cancer. A series of studies involving breast cell lines and the activity of Pueraria Mirifica in vitro have been performed by the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Phramongkutklao College of Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand. These studies have shown that Pueraria Mirifica root extract (Smith Naturals Co Ltd., Bangkok) has potent anti-estrogenic properties against aggressive cell cancer lines in vitro, especially the proliferative estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer lines (T47-D, MCF-7, and ZR-75-1) obtained from the MD Anderson Cancer Institute (Texas) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Pueraria mirifica promotes fibroblasts in normal breast cells and inhibits estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells.

Zkoušel to někdo??? Jak to dopadlo?
Zafungovalo u vás i něco jiného - krémy, cvičení, tabletky???

Nečekám zázraky, ale řekněme zvětšení o číslo a zpevnění by fakticky bodlo!~z~


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