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Marketo diky.
Ja pridam jeste dve zpravy z madarskeho tisku: Behem demonstraci v Budapesti podporu pro Agnes vyjadrila clenka parlamentu z vladnouci strany Fidesz.
A pesimisticka: soud naridil Agnes psychiatrickou expertizu...
Nevim jestli toto je na Facebooku, myslim, ze je to velmi uzitecny navod jak vyjadrit podporu (posilat dopisy na mad"arske ministerstvi a kopii pravniku A.G.) Nejaka dobra duse sepsala i adresy:
"Unjustified Imprisonment of a skilled and internationally respected midwife – Dr Agnes Gareb
Dear All
Agnes Gereb, is an internationally acclaimed expert midwife known throughout the world. She is, at present, in custody and will be held in prison for an indefinite period as a result of attending a woman in childbirth at home, whom she appropriately referred to hospital. Mother and baby are doing well. This incident, however, offered the Hungarian authorities the opportunity to act and they immediately arrested her.
Hungary is now a member of the EU and the EU supports the right of women to birth their babies outside hospital but despite 22 years campaigning for changes there is still a lack of a legal framework regulating homebirth in Hungary.
It is vitally important that the Hungarian authorities are made aware of how unacceptable their actions have been. You can take immediate action:
1. Send a card to Agnes at the jail.
2. Write to the Hungarian Ambassador in your country.
3. Write to the Minister of Health in Hungary
4. Write to the Minister of Justice in Hungary
5. The President of Hungary
6. Send this email to anyone, in any country, asking them to take similar action.
7. Send a copy of your letter to Agnes’s lawyer - Bea Bodrogi at
bbodrogi@gmail.com and her son Daniel at ceu@szinhaz.hu
8. Access the Facebook site and send details to anyone you know
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Podpora-p ... 7179421729
For any further information or help in the above case please contact either:
Donal Kerry (mobile) 0036309242190 email: free@birth.hu
or Monika Schanda email: free@birth.hu
Visit the website: http://www.birth.hu
A rally will be held in front of the Hungarian Embassy in Prague tomorrow, the 14th October, at 3pm.
So, at least email the minister before then.
Relevant addresses:
The Prison:
Fovárosi Buntetes Vegrehajtasi Intezet., 1055 Bp., Nagy Ignac u. 5-11.
Hungary, Europe
Hungarian Ambassador. You can find the address in your country on the following web site:
http://www.mfa.gov.hu/kum/en/bal/missio ... ns_abroad/.
Dr Miklos Szocska
Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs
Budapest 1051
Arany Janos Utca
Utca 6-8
Email: euallamtitkar@nefmi.gov.hu
Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement
Igazsagugyi és Rendeszeti Miniszterium
1363 Budapest, Pf. 54.
Hungary, Europe
Minister: dr. Forgacs Imre Jozsef
The President of Hungary
Viktor Orban, 1054 Budapest, Hungary, Szechenyi rakpart 19.
With any luck the Hungarian authorities will not know what has hit them.
Finally, some of you may get this message a few times, I suspect that this will be because you are on multiple mailing lists. I have mailed this to just about anyone I can think of, please do the same.
Best wishes, Beverley"