Abys prisel na jine myslenky, tady je neco pro tebe na premysleni, vkladam to dnes podruhe, propadlo to pod prispevkami nove diskuse.
Nasla jsem to jako komentar vedle podpisu nejakeho prof. Paula Lewise na podporu Agnes Gereb a svobody porodnich voleb v Mad"arsku:
"It is yet another example of how so called democratic governments fail to recognise and respect the fundamental human rights of their citizens. What was the point of Hungary fighting against communist oppression when it acts in a similar ideological manner, ignoring the available evidence and upholding the privileges of an obstetric profession who are only acting to preserve their hold over the reproductive abilities and choices of women and their families. Such Doctors are more dangerous to the health and wellbeing of their countrymen and women, than the diseases and disorders they are pledged to fight against. Normal Childbirth is not the provence of medical men whose focus is more usually on the abnormal and pathological. It is time they concentrated on what they do best, but judging by their unwillingness to consider the international evidence, many must be content to see injustice perpetrated in a so called civilised society if it means they can remain in control"
Skoda ze nejde vedet, zda tento Paul Lewis je profesorem americke literatury, Evropske politiky (nejspise) nebo mediciny (dle googlu vse to je mozny). Ale nazor je