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HPV Transmission Facts
HPV is transmitted through skin to skin contact. Touching someone or something infected by the virus and then touching one""s genital without washing hands is a method of HPV transmission.
Although a common sexually transmitted disease, intercourse is not always the only way of sexual transmission of the disease. Genital or sexual contact with one who is infected can cause HPV transmission in a healthy individual.
In most cases sexual transmission of HPV is through vaginal or anal intercourse. Transmitting HPV through oral sex is not uncommon.
HPV transmission through non sexual means is controversial. Although a study on HPV transmission facts did show that HPV can be transmitted through handshake, more research is required in this direction.
By this parameter HPV transmission through kissing is a possibility. As per medical practitioners, theoretically, mouth to mouth kissing should not transmit the virus. However, a study has shown that French kiss does spread the HPV. Probability of oral HPV infection increases with increase in the number oral sex or open-mouthed kissing partners .
HPV transmission facts show that an infected mother can pass this infection to her baby during delivery. This infection is manifested in children in the form of warts in the throat or voice box (known medically as laryngeal papillomatosis). To prevent this transmission, C-section during childbirth in women with genital warts is discouraged.
An HPV transmission fact that gives greater respite about contracting the infection is that it is not transmitted through towels, toilet seats or eating from the same bowel.
Condoms are not foolproof in preventing HPV transmission.
In case a child suffers from HPV infection, it is a strong indication of sexual abuse.
Non penetrative sexual contact is the reason for HPV transmission in virgins


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