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Tady jsem našla a kopíruju úryvek z Time o porodnosti v Německu, která je mimochodem ještě horší než u nás nebo v Itálii. Proč německé ženy mají málo dětí:
To explain Germany""s low reproduction rate, Steffen Kröhnert, a social scientist at the Berlin Institute for Population Development, points to a number of factors. Many German women decide not to have children because of poor state-run child-care facilities. Most schools in Germany finish earlier than in other parts of Europe — some as early as 1 p.m. — leaving parents struggling to find and afford sufficient day care. And often women who take up part-time jobs to try to juggle work and family life end up paying a high financial price. "Many German women have to stop work and end their careers if they want to have kids," says Kröhnert. It doesn""t help that German mothers are still often branded Rabenmütter — "raven mothers" — a pejorative label that accuses them of being bad mothers if they decide to put their children in nurseries and continue working.
Zdroj:http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1991216,00.html, autor Tristana Moore.