No me tedy hodne zarazilo tohle:
According to the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), a Darmstadt family court judge, signed the order authorizing the immediate seizure of Dirk and Petra Wunderlich’s children. Citing the parents’ failure to cooperate “with the authorities to send the children to school,” the judge also authorized the use of force “against the children” if necessary, reasoning that such force might be required because the children had “adopted the parents’ opinions” regarding homeschooling and that “no cooperation could be expected” from either the parents or the children.
Pro neanglicky ctouci soudce autorizoval pouziti sily proti detem pokud by bylo zapotrebi, s oduvodnenim, ze tatkto pouzita sila (nasili) muze byt potreba, jelikoz deti prevzaly nazory svych rodicu ve spojeni s domaci skolou a tudiz je ocekavana jejich nespoluprace (deti i rodicu).
Jako opravdu bylo zapotrebi SWAT teamu ke vsem tem policajtum?
Divim se, ze jeste Nemecko neskoncilo ve Strassburgu.