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Report to the European Parliament Petitions Committee
Child Removal Cases in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden
Published on Wednesday, 25 December 2013 10:34 | Written by Ruby Harrold-Claesson

We, the undersigned, lawyers, former judges and law professors, professor of psychology andinvestigating psychologists, medical doctor in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden,
including the lawyers, members of the Steering Committee of The Nordic Committee for
Human Rights - NCHR - For the protection of family rights in the Nordic countries (NordiskaKommittén för Mänskliga Rättigheter - NKMR - För skydd av familjers rättigheter i de nordiska länderna), are hereby sending this petition to the European Parliament Petitions Committee for a thorough investigation of the very prevalent and destructive child removal cases that are being practiced, on a daily basis, in the Nordic countries.
All of the judges, lawyers and law professors, professor of psychology and investigating
psychologists and the medical doctor who endorse this report have worked with and publicly
addressed the issue of child removal cases and the NKMR/NCHR has participated actively in
the government""s "New plan of action for Human Rights 2006 - 2009", (Ny handlingsplan för
de mänskliga rättigheterna 2006 - 2009), which is still in progress.
We must point out, however, that we are well aware of the fact that there are isolated cases where it is necessary to place children in compulsory foster care. However, in our collective professional experience, these cases represent only a minority of the LVU cases. In the other cases, there are parents who find themselves in temporary difficulties or who have had the misfortune to be in disagreement with a social worker11, for example, concerning entitlement to financial assistance and in fact, these temporary problems could - and should - have been solved with much less drastic measures12 than the removal of the children, which invariably is a catastrophe for the families involved.


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