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To my Czech friends.
I""ve put myself into the matter of Eva Michalakova and her family, and will express my deepest sympathy for the way she and her children are being mistreated by the Norwegian system .
Not only has her boys been taken away from her in the most unacceptable way. She is not even allowed to deliver gifts to her own children. Her father came from the Czech Republic in hopes of getting to visit his grandchildren , but was rejected by Norwegian authorities. The latest “offer” that Eva was given form Norwegian authorities, was to see her children 15 minutes two times per year!
I consider the treatment of the family to be legally defined as torture .
I am deeply disappointed that Norwegian authorities do not intervene , as there are no basis for the accusations against Eva Michalakova, which in its time also was corrected .
The way the Norwegian authorities treat Eva and her family, is not only extremely embarrassing for Norway as a nation. It is deeply violating her and her families fundamental Human Rights .
Fortunately Eva has strong players on her team. I met with MEP, Tomáš Zdechovský, this Tuesday, and we will do our best to battle this hostile regime. We will also discuss this matter with other countries that have similar experiences as the Czech republic.
I therefore urge you to continue to fight for Eva and her family. We can not accept a regime in Norway , which causes so much pain and horror for well being families.
Best regards,
Marius Reikerås
Human Rights Counselor.