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Kdopak udal tyhle chudáky, co se jen snažili přivydělat pár mizerných liber? Však měli jen maličko prošlá víza, a kvůli tomu hned do vězení?

"Seven people have been arrested following an immigration raid on a Chinese restaurant in W.

Officers from the Home Office stormed the restaurant in Bean Oak Road at 6.40pm on Wednesday, September 30.

Five of the seven arrested are Indonesians nationals.

They include a 43-year-old man who was working in breach of his multi-visit visa, a 23-year-old and a 30-year-old Indonesian who had overstayed their multi-visit business visas and two women, aged 23 and 25, who had both overstayed their multi-visit visas.

Two Malaysian men, aged 29 and 44, were also arrested after outstaying their six-month visitor entitlement.

All those arrested were transferred to immigration detention pending removal from the UK.

The business was served a notice warning that financial penalties of up to £20,000 per illegal worker arrested will be imposed unless the employer can demonstrate that appropriate right to work document checks were carried out, such as seeing a passport or Home Office document.

If proof is not provided this is a potential total of up to £140,000.

Carla Johnson, head of the South Central Home Office Immigration Enforcement team, said: "There will be no slow down in our efforts to tackle illegal working.
"I would urge people with detailed and specific information about suspected immigration abuse to contact us."


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