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Hany, a další komentář hned pod tím článkem:
" It is important to explain the judicial framework and the mandate of Child Protective Services; and even more so, the independence and objectivity displayed in decision-making by regional governments and the judicial branch" copy and paste from Dagen""s Article from the last paragraph.
This frame work of confidentiality and supreme power that Barnenvernet has is unheard of. In the civilized world no such decision is made by a county board. There are financial incentives for removing a child from a home and when Money becomes the object then the child is just the way to get it.
Before these BEASTEVERNET agents go to work they convince the parents to keep their mouth shut and dont make a big deal about it soon will be over and in the background they lie and cheat everyone that buy their cheap trust.
They keep repeting "the best interest of the child" please tell us what that means.
For sure it does not mean to remove a child from his loving and carring parents.
For sure it does not mean to ignor the plea of the child to be returned back to his sieblings.
For sure it does not mean to place 5 sieblings in 3 different foster homes and tell them that their mother and father dont want to see them.
for sure it does not mean to tell parents that their children have adapted the their new home and did not even asked for their parents when in fact they cried for days.
For sure it does not mean to withold a letter from the child to his mother.
Who is responnsible for the parrents the at the end of desperation caused by the removal of their children commit suicide.
Who is held responsible for a child that commits suicide while in the care of BEASTVERNET.Wait you did that in his best interest and he could not take it.
Not the childs for sure cause if you really care for that child best interest you will stop doing what you are doing and search you heartless body for a drop of compasion.

Že by Češi nebyli jediní, kdo si myslí obdobné věci?


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