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In 2014 received 53,088 children and young people, or nearly 4% of the population aged 0-22 years, child welfare services. Of these, 27% (14,220 children and young people), received help from child welfare previous year. From 2003 to 2011 there was a sharp increase in the number of children and adolescents with child welfare services at 45%, but the growth has leveled off from 2011

39% of children and adolescents with child welfare services were placed outside the home

Placement of children and young people outside the home is only relevant if the child welfare assistance is not sufficient to ensure the child a proper care situation. By the end of 2014 was 14,495 children and young people placed in care of child welfare services. These accounted for 39% of children and adolescents with child-welfare services. This is an increase of 5 percentage points from 2003, when 34% was placed outside the home.

Of children and young people who were placed in care of the child welfare service at the end of 2014 was 77% placed in foster care, 9% in residential care and 14% placed in separate housing with supervision. Type placement outside the home varies with age. Foster homes are the predominant location measure among children under 18, and most live in a foster home outside the family and close network.

By the end of 2014 had child welfare services taken over the custody of their 60% of children in placement and young people, or a total of 23% of children and young people under protection. This is an increase of almost 5 percentage points from the end of 2009, when child welfare service had caring responsibilities for 19% of children and adolescents with child protection measures. The growth we observe in the number of placed children and adolescents due thus an increase in the number of children CPS have the custody of, and not an increase in other types of investments.

The most common reason that children and young acute placed, is that they are in danger of being significantly harmed by remaining at home, for example due to abuse, severe neglect or your child at risk of harm from other outsiders. In 2014 had 1,504 children and young people such emergency placement decisions, a decline of 7% from 2013. This is the first decrease in the number of children with an acute location decisions since 2008. From 2008 to 2013, the increase was 70%. It is mostly young children with such a decision, by 1.7 per. 1000 aged 0-2 years.


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