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Francie je v uplne jine situaci. Zjevne o tom nic nevis, tak si neco precti. Tady mas takove male stripky:

The darkest events in postwar French history took place in Paris on a filthy night in October 1961. Yet until François Hollande quietly nudged France to look them squarely in the face on Wednesday evening, they had not officially happened at all.

The massacre of perhaps as many as 250 Algerians peacefully protesting against a curfew placed on the entire north African population of the city was one of numerous atrocities during the Algerian war of independence. But here the killing was done in the centre of Paris amid the tourists and the flâneurs. Some were shot by the police, others simply pushed from bridges into the swollen Seine. Almost no one said anything.

It says much for the fear and madness of the time that, 51 years later, we still don""t know how many people were killed that night. Not even the police themselves seemed to be counting.



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