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Přidat odpověď

uz jsem to nasla ten dekret o zruseni dedictvi, zde je anglicky preklad podstatnych casti - ale pak ten dekret by zrusen, nevim, kdy:

Decree Abolishing Inheritance. April 27, 1918

I. Inheritance, whether by law or by will, is abolished.

After the death of an owner, the property which belonged to him, whether movable or immovable, becomes the property of the Government of the Russian Socialistic Soviet Federative Republic.

II. Until the issuance of a decree dealing with general social arrangements, relatives who are in need (i.e., those who do not possess a minimum maintenance), and who are incapable of work-such relatives being in a directly ascending or descending line, ‘full or half brothers or sisters, or spouse, of the deceased-receive support from the property left by the deceased.


V. All property of the deceased, other than that enumerated in Article IX of this decree, comes under the jurisdiction of the local Soviet, which turns it over to the bureaus or institutions having control in those localities of similar property of the Russian Republic, according to the last place of residence of the deceased or according to the place where this property is situated.


IX. If the property of the deceased does not exceed 10,000 rubles, or, in particular, consists of a farmhouse, domestic furniture, and means for economical production by work, in either the city or the village, it comes under the immediate control of the spouse and relatives enumerated in Article II of the present decree, who are present. The method of control and management of the property is arranged by agreement between the spouse and relatives, and, in case of their disagreement, by the local tribunal.


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