Ja mam knizku How to solve your child""s sleep problems a tohle tam pisi ... mimochodem to byla jedna z nejprodavanejsich knih na toto tema
Parents will say to me, "Tell me if this is normal. If it is, I will continue getting up; but if it is not, then we would like to do something about it!" I assure them that most healthy full-term infants are sleeping through the night by 3 or 4 months of age. Certainly by 6 months all healthy babies can do so.
If your baby does not start sleeping through the night on his own by 6 months at the latest, or if he begins waking again after weeks or months of sleeping well, then something is interfering with the continuity of his sleep. He should be able to sleep better, and in all likelihood his sleep disruption can be corrected.
How well your child sleeps from the early months affects not only his behavior during the day but also your feelings about him. I have often heard a parent say, "He is such a good baby. I even have to wake him for feedings." Although the parent is saying the baby is a good sleeper, the words imply that the baby is "good" in the moral sense. It is easy to see that this distinction will influence how you relate to your child.
If your child does not sleep well, he may well be making your life miserable. It isn""t hard to think of such a bad sleeper as a "bad" baby. You will probably feel enormously frustrated, helpless, worried, and angry if you have to listen to crying every night, get up repeatedly, and lose a great deal of your own much needed sleep.
If your child""s sleep disturbance is severe enough, your frustration and fatigue will carry over into your daytime activities and you are bound to feel increasingly tense with your child, your spouse, family, and friends.
If this is the case in your home, you will be pleased to learn that your child is almost certainly capable of sleeping much better than he is now, and you should be able to get a good night""s sleep yourself. To do this, you will need to learn how to identify exactly what your child""s problem is, and then you can begin to solve it.