25.3.2010 16:47:29 *Aida*
Re: ZUFI a co rodiče ostatních dětí?
hele u nas je ADHD jen takovou tresinkou na dortu a kdyby to bylo "jen" tohle, tak ja osobne si piskam. Bez ironie. To, co pise Dora znam moc a moc dobre z vlastni zkusenosti, nastesti muzu rict, ze uz je to za nama a syna jsme naucili fungovat plus minus v normach prijatelnych vetsinovou spolecnosti (no obcas se jeste zadari nejaky kousek) a bez medikace.
Ja bych Ritalin svemu diteti nikdy nedala, protoze v tom nevidim smysl. Tady mas shrnuti toho, proc to tak vidim:
Ritalin of no long-term benefit, study finds Monday 12 November 2007 11.26 GMT
Article historyResearch released today raises questions about the long-term effectiveness of drugs used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
A team of American scientists conducting the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD (MTA) has found that while drugs such as Ritalin and Concerta can work well in the short term, over a three-year period they brought about no demonstrable improvement in children"s behaviour. They also found the drugs could stunt growth.
The research, which will be broadcast on the BBC Panorama programme tonight, shows that GPs in the UK prescribed ADHD drugs such as Ritalin and Concerta to around 55,000 children last year – at a cost of £28m to the NHS.
The MTA"s warning about ADHD drugs constitutes something of a revised opinion. The scientists, who have been monitoring the treatment of 600 children across the US since the 1990s, concluded in 1999 that, after one year, medication worked better than behavioural therapy for ADHD. This finding influenced medical practice on both sides of the Atlantic and prescription rates in the UK have since tripled.
The report"s co-author, Professor William Pelham, of the University of Buffalo, said: "I think we exaggerated the beneficial impact of medication in the first study. We had thought that children medicated longer would have better outcomes. That didn"t happen to be the case.
"The children had a substantial decrease in their rate of growth, so they weren"t growing as much as other kids in terms of both their height and their weight. And the second was that there were no beneficial effects - none.
"In the short run [medication] will help the child behave better, in the long run it won"t. And that information should be made very clear to parents."
Dr Tim Kendall, of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, who is helping prepare new NHS guidelines for the treatment of ADHD, said: "A generous understanding would be to say that doctors have reached the point where they don"t know what else to offer.
"I hope we will be able to make recommendations that will give people a comprehensive approach to treatment and that will advise about what teachers might be able to do within the classroom when they"re trying to deal with kids who have difficult problems of this kind.
"I think the important thing is we have a comprehensive approach that doesn"t focus on just one type of treatment."
Pro neanglicky mluvici bych to shrnula asi takhle. Sledovalo se 600 deti z ruznych casti USA od roku 1990 do roku 1999. Po jednom roce uzivani bylo patrne zlepseni (hura hura, tak se Ritalin zacal predepisovat celkem houfne). K tomu dnes spoluautor studie, Professor William Pelham, rika, ze si mysli, ze to s temi pozitivnimi dopady v tu dobu prehnali. Mysleli si, ze dlouhodobe uzivani prinese jeste lepsi vysledky, jenze to se nestalo. Po trech letech pravidelneho uzivani deti jak na vahu, tak na vysku prestaly rust tak, jak se ocekavalo (retardace rustu a vahy) a krome toho nebyly zadne pozitivni benefity uzivani medikace - ZADNE. Lekari nevi, co jineho nabidnout (v ramci medikace).
Tech negativnich vedlejsich ucinku je povicero, uz to zde bylo popsano. Ale pokud to dlouhodobe nevykazuje zadne vyhody, tak fakt nevim, proc bych mela cokoliv riskovat. Ja jsem ochotna riskovat, ale ne k nicemu.