Marketo, divam se na wiki, abych si osvezila, jak to s Andersenem bylo....ucetnictvi uz nedelaji ("in 2002, the firm voluntarily surrendered its licenses to practice as Certified Public Accountants in the United States after being found guilty of criminal charges relating to the firm""s handling of the auditing of Enron") a konzultacni cinnost presunuli pod Accenture ("the former consultancy and outsourcing arm of the firm, now known as Accenture, which had separated from the accountancy side in 1987 and renamed themselves after splitting from Andersen Worldwide in 2000, continues to operate and had become one of the largest multinational corporations in the world until 2002")
v 90. letech to byla nejlepsi firma z Big Six (pozdeji Big Five, nyni Big Four)
Četnost a původ příjmení najdete na Příjmení.cz. Nejoblíbenější jména a význam jmen na Křestníjmé Pokud hledáte rýmy na české slovo, použijte Rýmovač.cz.
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