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19.3.2002 21:22:34 Frantisek

Re: Frantiskovi od Tani

Jesus woman!!!

Thanks for millions for your compliments on my average knowledge on American history everybody has in US. Well, actually it was supposed to be you, who should’ve read the books on American history before arguing with Mila on massacres on Indians.

Tana your fantasy is excellent, enormous and absolutely gorgeous. In my general essay on Moslems and the American history you’ve succeeded to identify some personal details. You are persuaded that they are all mine. Well I did not really know that I am an inhibited holder of a Czech passport, living in the Czech Republic, going regularly to New York on business purpose.

Tana are you sure that I really have problems with the US. Immigration? What happens if I really do not have to stand in the line for aliens when arriving US?

You’ve even given me a new occupation I still did not know about. Everybody listen!!! Tana says that I am a governmental employee. The hell what government I am actually working for? Do I really have to pay taxes? Tana can you still tell me a little bit more about that? PLEASE!!!

Tana you are really talented to create new personal profiles and identities. When I’ll start to work for the N.S.A. one day, I promise that I will definitely contact you for assistance.

Tana let me throw out some more compliments. You say that somebody like me has nothing to do in US. Well if it is really like that, then you have to deport all teachers of American history out of the country. For sure the Immigration Office will appreciate your help to pre-select immigrants, visitors or tourists, who share the same opinion with me.
Everybody in US knows, that what you do, is a great service for the nation. Who knows, maybe one day the US government will decorate you with the “medal of honor”. This means that you will candidate for the Oscar award automatically.

Tana you should not really be worried about mine mental state caused by the place and situation I live in, in the moment. You should not even be worried about me spending too much time on the internet on somebody else’s costs. My financial situation is pretty fine. I can really afford the internet flat rate by my own.
Tana nothing is that bad as it appears on the first view. The New York Yankees are still my favorite baseball club. I’ve really enjoyed eating hot-dogs and donuts, drinking beer and throwing popcorns around me during their last game in New York. Even my doctor said he should have put me on diet.

Tana it’s good to know that America is “your” country. I am sure that you have already a tattoo of the American flag on your forehead.

Hey ho, let me give a bow to the all mighty goddess ever seen on the American continent. They call her Tana.

Názory k článku (97 názorů)
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***Re: rozrustaji se aby uplne zaplav... Tana, 2 deti 3.3.2002 6:13
****Re: rozrustaji se aby uplne zapl... Míla 3.3.2002 14:54
*****Re: rozrustaji se aby uplne za... Tana, 2 deti 4.3.2002 6:9
******Re: rozrustaji se aby uplne ... Míla 13.3.2002 23:52
******Re: rozrustaji se aby uplne ... Monika,4 deti 12.4.2002 23:3
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****Re: Odpoved Mile: probud se devc... Tana, 2 deti 4.3.2002 6:25
*****Jediny spravny zpusob zivota Madla & 3 trpaslici 4.3.2002 15:7
**Re: rozrustaji se aby uplne zaplavil... Tana, 2 deti 3.3.2002 3:26
***Re: rozrustaji se aby uplne zaplav... Madla 3.3.2002 5:21
****Re: rozrustaji se aby uplne zapl... Tana, 2 deti 3.3.2002 6:7
***Re: rozrustaji se aby uplne zaplav... Zuzana 32tt 11.1.2004 12:6
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***Re: Madle, Tani, Mile,... Tana, 2 deti 15.3.2002 23:45
****Re: Madle, Tani, Mile,... Miška, 3 děti 16.3.2002 7:8
*****Re: Madle, Tani, Mile,... Miška, 3 děti 16.3.2002 7:11
******Re: Madle, Tani, Mile,... sally 16.3.2002 18:9
*******Pejskaři, to je jiná kapit... Miška, 3 děti 16.3.2002 18:14
*******Re: Madle, Tani, Mile,... Alex 17.3.2002 13:59
********Z Kalifornie Julie a Annabelle, 3. mesice 17.3.2002 17:52
*********Re: Z Kalifornie Tana, 2 deti 17.3.2002 22:15
**********Nejde o personál Jana 17.3.2002 23:55
***********Re: Nejde o person... Katerina W. 18.3.2002 11:8
**********Re: Z Kalifornie Julie, Annabelle 3. mesice 18.3.2002 4:7
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***Re: Madle, Tani, Mile,... Zuzana 32tt 11.1.2004 12:25
**Madle, Mile, Tane a Terezce Frantisek 19.3.2002 2:31
***Re: Frantiskovi od Tani Tana. 2 deti 19.3.2002 4:7
****Re: Frantiskovi od Tani Alex 19.3.2002 21:3
*****Re: Frantiskovi od Tani Frantisek 19.3.2002 21:24
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********Re: Re.. Pro všechny na ... Alex 20.3.2002 17:37
*********Re: Re.. Pro všechny n... Frantisek 20.3.2002 18:29
**********Re: Re.. Pro všechny... Jitka 21.3.2002 14:40
***********Re: Re.. Pro všech... bubak2 22.3.2002 7:1
************Pro Tomáše Jitka 22.3.2002 7:48
****Re: Frantiskovi od Tani Frantisek 19.3.2002 21:22
*****Re: Frantiskovi od Tani Tana, 2 deti 19.3.2002 23:29
******Re: Frantiskovi od Tani sally 20.3.2002 2:55
*******Re: Frantiskovi od Tani Julie, Annabelle 3. mesice 20.3.2002 18:1
********Re: Frantiskovi od Tani Anna ( David 2 roky, Daniel 6 mesicu) 21.3.2002 15:13
*****Re: Frantiskovi od Tani Kaylah 25.4.2005 13:29
******Skolka Hanka,3 deti 25.4.2005 13:40
***Re: Madle, Mile, Tane a Terezce Tomas 19.3.2002 4:14
****Re: Madle, Mile, Tane a Terezce Frantisek 19.3.2002 19:48
*****Re: Frantovi Tomas 20.3.2002 5:36
***Jak maji muslimove radi sve deti -... Tana, 2 deti 19.3.2002 6:28
****Re: Jak maji muslimove radi sve ... Frantisek 19.3.2002 19:57
***Františkovi bubak2 19.3.2002 6:49
****Re: Františkovi Frantisek 19.3.2002 19:41
*****Re: Františkovi bubak2 20.3.2002 6:47
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Jee edima 27.2.2002 20:9
o radosti z dětí Ali 27.2.2002 22:35
*Re: o radosti z dětí Jana 11.3.2002 13:4
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*Re: Terezko, napiš častěji! Míša, Junior *97, Beruška*2006 28.2.2002 18:22
Ach jo! Eva Plášková 1.3.2002 20:10
žijete v ráji? Jana a Toník 3.3.2002 12:5
uplne to citim stejne. V Japonsku taky v... Alice Kubickova, dcera Tereza temer 3 roky 12.3.2002 6:16
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trochu závidím Gábina -tři sluníčka 12.3.2002 21:23
Madle, Mile, Tane a Terezce Frantisek 19.3.2002 2:16
radost z dětí? Míša (dcera 10) 25.7.2002 16:23
Jak v ráji Babůnka, 3 kluci 25.7.2002 17:12
*Re: Jak v ráji *Aida* 25.7.2002 17:22
**Re: Jak v ráji Babůnka, 3 kluci 25.7.2002 17:41
***Re: Jak v ráji *Aida* 25.7.2002 18:15
****Re: Jak v ráji Babůnka, 3 kluci 25.7.2002 18:34
Gratuluji, kazdy nema to stesti tam bydl... Petra, 2 dcerky 13.2.2006 18:50

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