30.3.2018 21:02:15 Monty
Re: Výběrové řízení
myslím, že bych to přeložila jen jako sušenky, protože to jsou normální sušenky. Nebo možná "kulaté sušenky". Podle toho, jakou roli by to hrálo v textu.
To "digestive" je vysvětleno na Wiki takto:
A digestive biscuit, sometimes described as a sweet-meal biscuit, is a semi-sweet biscuit that originated in Scotland, and is popular worldwide. The digestive was first developed in 1839 by two Scottish doctors to aid digestion at a place called Logie Steading in Forres. The term "digestive" is derived from the belief that they had antacid properties due to the use of sodium bicarbonate when they were first developed. Historically, some producers used diastatic malt extract to "digest" some of the starch that existed in flour prior to baking.