27.9.2007 13:45:24 cizinka1
izraelska studie
Ta izraelska studie se mysli tahle?:
TITLE Long term effects of vacuum and forceps deliveries
AUTHOR Seidman DS, Laor A, Gale R, et al
REFERENCE Lancet 1991; 337: 1583-85
ABSTRACT Study of 52,282 infants born in Jerusalem between 1964 and 1972. Study of intelligence test and medical examination at 17 years old by the Israeli Forces draft board. Among the 937 born by forceps or vacuum the intelligence scores were significantly higher (p<0.0001) than those of the spontaneous delivery group. After adjustment for confounding factors the differences were less obvious. Length of maternal education was positively correlated with forceps and vacuum delivery. It is possible that women with high IQ have a tendency towards a more difficult birth and a tendency to forceps deliveries. This may explain the crude data.
KEYWORDS *forceps delivery, *vacuum, *IQ, *intellectual development
DISCUSSION There are at least 16 studies suggesting that the average IQ of a first born is higher than the IQ of the siblings. It is noticeable that forceps and ventouse deliveries are more common among primigravida.
Jinou neznam, pokud existuje, rada bych ji vydela alespon jako abstrakt. Pokud neexistuje, pan doktor popletl data: zkoumano bylo pres 50 000 deti ve 17, z nich 937 bylo narozeno vaginalne operativne. Tyhle deti byli prumerne vyrazne inteligentnejsi nez skupina kontrolni (spontanne porozena), ale bylo to spise tim, ze je porodily matky s vyssim vzdelanim. Coz vysvetluje vypovedni hodnotu studie: neni divu, kdyz porovnate 1000 deti prumerne inteligentnejsich lidi s masou (50 000) prumerne populace dostanete ocekavany vysledek.
Kdyz citovat tak presne a inteligentne, pane doktore.
Nic proti klestim ci VEXu ani proti skalpelu. Kdyz zivot je v ohrozeni, je treba ho zachranit. Vice se by dalo rict proti zbytecnym intervencem, ktere riziko tisni miminka zvysuje (amniotomie, preventivni oxytocin a dalsi hormonalni pripravky, epidural). No, a ze to porodni trauma diteti musime kompensovat v nadeji, ze mu to celozivotne neublizi, my maminky "operativnich" deti vime. Tech studii je vice, ze ano, pane dr.? Nicmene, dekuji za nezdarily pokus o uklidneni.